Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More Pictures From Carefree AZ

Our Trip to Arizona

We just went to Arizona with Dave when he had to go there on business. We stayed in Carefree AZ, it was nice and very hot. The girls and I spent most of the time at the pool and in the shops in the town of Carefree. Here are a couple of pictures of our trip.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Lily at the Parent and Me "Sunshine" Kid's Song and Dance Club

Lily started her "Sunshine" Kid's song and dance club last night. It is a class where the kids have fun singing, dancing, marching, playing ball, etc....They end the class on a parade playing different kinds of instruments. Lily sure seemed to have fun, maybe next week Daddy can go and participate. I attached a couple of pictures.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Play Time

Here are some pictures from Chuck E Cheese, the girls and I went there for lunch and to play on the rides.

Bath Time!!!

Here is video of Lily taking a bath, I need to set a video camera up in the bathroom to catch her pouring the water out of the tub onto the floor, this is an everyday thing the floor is always covered in water.